Job Responsibilities
1980-1981: at University of Birmingham – UK.
Dr. Abu-Jarad was a research follow in physics department of University of Birmingham – UK.
1981-2002: at KFUPM
Leader of the Radiation Protection Group
* Originator of a Radiation Protection Program
* Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
* Coordinator of Client Services Program
* Coordinator of Radiation Safety Officers Training Course (offered more than 50 times till 2002)
Narrative job responsibilities: Assigned the responsibilities of starting up and establishing a Radiation Protection Program (establish the Radiation Protection Group, recommend the needed radiation protection equipment, Radiation survey detectors, TLD, LSC, etc.) to supervise the safety operation of two new particle accelerators in 1986 (NG. 14 MeV and Tandam).
Assigned the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) of the University (KFUPM). Led the daily radiation protection group activities around the two particle accelerators such as: operational, external and internal personnel radiation dosimetry, radiation protection programs inside and outside ERL building, environmental radioactivity, radiation services for clients, writing radiation protection reports and perform the related applied radiation research. Co-ordinator for short course titled “Principles of Radiation Protection” offered more than 50 times till 2002 (4 times per year) for candidates attending RSO exam with KACST. Wrote the needed and required radiation protection procedures. Participated in most of the radiation protection activities, participated in watching the safety aspect of the Tritium activity at ERL. Had been involved in industrial consultation and radiation protection services to oil and gas industry clients in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Performed the related applied radiation research (see publication).
2002-2007: at Saudi Aramco
Radiation Protection Unit (RPU)/Environmental Protection Depart (EPD)
Responsibility include: Leading a team controlling company radiation sources, importation, exportation, compliance monitoring of 24 contractors and 17 facilities, administering TLD program for 400 radiation workers, administering qualification exams 24/y for 1000 industrial radiographers, obtaining 17 radiation practice license for different facilities from the national authority, writing company radiation protection manual, procedures, presentations, meetings and consultations.
2008-2016: Saudi Pioneers for Specialized Services (SPSS)
General Manager
Responsibility include: Established from zero all SPSS activities in the field of Radiation protection Program, managing, effectively running Saudi Pioneers for Specialized Services (SPSS), obtaining 5 SPSS Radiation Practice Licenses (RPL) from the national authority – K.A.CARE (1. RSO training, 2. RW Training, 3. Leak test and radiation survey, 4. Safe Radiation Sources Transportation and 5. Industrial Radiography services). Established from zero NORM Services (Pipe decontamination, Survey, Containment and NORM training Program). Offering Many Radiation protection consultations and Services (include RPL consultation and Related Radiation Protection activities as per the above approved radiation licenses ) for many companies.