Articles Published In International Journals (65)
1. Abu-Jarad F. Fremlin J.H. and Bull R. (1980). “A study of radon emitted from building materials using alpha-track detectors” Phys. Med. Biol. J. Vol. 25, No.4, pp. 683-694.
2. Wilson C. and Abu-Jarad F. (1980).”Letter to the Editor”, Nucl. Track J., Vol. 4, pp. 123-124.
3. Fremlin J.H. and Abu-Jarad F. (1980).””Alpha-emitters in the environment: I Natural sources” Nucl. Instr. Meth. J., Vol.173, pp. 1 97-200.
4. Abu-Jarad F.; Wilson C.K.; and Fremlin J.H. (1981).”The registration of the alpha-particles from polonium isotopes plated-out on the surface of the plastic detectors LR-115 and CR-39″ Nuclear Tracks J. Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 285-290.
5. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1981).”A working level monitor for radon measurements inside houses” Radiation Protection Dosimetry J., Vol. 1, No.3, pp. 221-226 .
6. Abu-Jarad F.; Sithamparanandarajah R.; Thompson J.M. and Fremlin J.H. (1982).”Comparison of various techniques for measuring natural ventilation in rooms” Phys. Med. Biol. J., Vol.27, No.11, pp. 1393-1400.
7. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1982).”The activity of radon daughters in high-rise buildings and the influence of soil emanation” Environmental International J l, Vol.8, pp. 37-43.
8. Abu-Jarad F. (1982).”Variation in long-term radon and daughters concentration with position inside a room” Radiation Protection Dosimetry J., Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 227-231.
9. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1982). “The effect of a fan in reducing the concentration of the radon daughters inside a room by plate-out to the surface of the wall using plastic alpha detectors” Health Physics J., Vol. 42, No.1, pp.82-85.
10. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1982).”The activity of radon daughters in high-rise buildings” Health Physics J., Vol. 43, No.1, pp. 75-80..
11. Green P.F.; Ramli A.G.; Al-Najjar S.A.R.; Abu-Jarad F.; and Durrani S.A. (1982).”A study of bulk-etch rates and track-etch in CR-39″ Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Vol.203, pp. 551-559.
12. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1983).”The indoor concentration of radon daughters in three different areas of the U.K.”; Health Physics Journal, Vol.44, 5, pp. 479-485.
13. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1983).”Effect of internal wall covers on radon emanation inside houses” Health Physics Journal, Vol. 44, No.3, pp. 243-248.
14. Abu-Jarad F. (1983) “Some factors affecting the concentration of radon and its daughters inside houses” The Nucleus J.,, Vol. 20, pp 57-60.
15. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. (1984).”Seasonal variation of radon concentration in dwellings” Health Physics J., Vol.46, No.5, pp. 1126-1129.
16. Abu-Jarad F. and Al-Jarallah M.I. (1986). “Radon in Saudi houses” Radiation Protection Dosimetry J, Vol. 14, No.3, pp. 243-249.
17. Abu-Jarad F. and Sextro R. (1988).”Reduction of radon progeny concentration in ordinary room due to a mixing fan”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry J., Vol. 24, pp. 507-511.
18. Abu-Jarad F. (1988).”Application of nuclear track etch detector for radon related measurements”, Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 15, 525-534..
19. Raashid M.; Abu-Jarad F. and Al-Jarallah M. (1988).”Multileak detector for electrochemical etching”, Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 15, 291-294.
20. Abu-Jarad F.; Islam M. and Que A. (1991).”Usage of an interactive system for studying various parameters of etched tracks in CR 39 and Makrofol E”, Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 19, 233-237.
21. Abu-Jarad F.; Islam M.; Abu-Abdoun and Khan M.A. (1991).”Ultraviolet and laser effect on etching of various batches of CR-39″, Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J.,Vol. 19, 135-138.
22. Abu-Jarad F. (1991).”Detection of Po-210 by CR-39 from filter papers used in 1984 for measuring the variation of working levels of radon daughters in a room”, Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 19, 275-276.
23. Al-Jarallah; Abu-Jarad F.; Hallak A.; Coban A. and Islam M.A. (1992). “Investigation of proton response in CR-39” Nucl. Inst. Meth. Vol. B73, pp 507-511.
24. Abu-Jarad, F.; R. Nassar; M. Haddad; S. Bard; K. Nahdi; M. I. Islam and M. I. Al-Jarallah (1993). The radiation protection Program at the Energy Research Laboratory. J. of KAU, Engineering science, Special Issue, pp 237-245.
25. Abu-Jarad F.; Islam M.; Abu-Abdoun and Khan (1993).”Effect of ultraviolet light, solar radiation, XeCI laser and Xenon ARC lamp on the nuclear track recording properties” Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 20, pp 531-541.
26. Abu-Jarad F.; Durrani S.M.A. and Islam M.A. (1993).”A C02 pulsed laser effect on the CR-39 registration properties” Nucl. Inst. Meth . Vol. B74, pp 419-425.
27. Abu-Jarad, F. (1993). A comparison between SR-90 and two types of CR-39 Nuclear Track Detectors. J. Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 22, pp 189-190.
28. Abu-Jarad, F. and M.I. Isalm (1993). A passive radon detector survey in a three-story laboratory building. Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 22, pp 257-259.
29. Abu-Jarad, F.; S.M. A.Durrani and M.A. Islam (1993). Effect of 10.6 mm pulsed laser on the CR-39. Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 22, pp 253-256.
30. Al-Jarallah, M.I.; F. Abu-Jarad; A.B. Hallak; A. Coban and M. Islam. (1993). “Investigation of Proton response of CR-39” (PM.355). Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 22, pp 191-194.
31. F. Abu-Jarad 1993. “Natural radioactivity and cigarette Smoking” Caravan J.-Saudi Aramco. Vol.42 (No.4) pp 18-23. Saudi Arabia
32. Durrani S.M. A. and Abu-Jarad, F. (1994) “The Heat effect on CR-39 Nuclear Track Detectors irradiated by a pulsed IR laser.” Nucl .Inst. Meth. J. , Vol. B100 pp 97-102.
33. Aksoy A.; A.A. Naqvi; F.Z. Khiari; F. Abu-Jarad; M. Al-Ohali; M. Sumani (1994) Elemental analysis using natural gamma-ray spectroscopy. Nucl. Inst. Meth. J, Vol. A 353, PP 558-561.
34. Aksoy A.; Al-Jarallah and F. Abu-Jarad, (1997) Measurement of Thorium content and Radioactivity in Gas Mantles. The Arab. J. for Sci. & Engin. Vol. 22, pp 25-35.
35. Abu-Jarad F.; A.M. Hala; and M. Farhat; (1997). “Variation of PM-355 properties by high gamma absorbed doses”. Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 27, pp 13-17.
36. Abu-Jarad F.; A.M. Hala; and M. Farhat; and Islam (1997). “Effect of high gamma dose on the PADC properties”. Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 28, pp 111-114.
37. Abu-Jarad F.; M. El hadidy; M.I. Al-Jarallah (1997). “The use of nuclear track detectors as an environmental Solar Ultraviolet radiation doismeters”. Radiation Measurement J., Vol. 28, pp 409- 412.
38. Abu-Jarad F., (1997). “Indoor cigarette smoking: uranium contents and carrier of indoor radon products”. Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 28, pp 579-584.
39. Al-Haddad M., Abu-Jarad F., and Al-Jabri, (1998) Measurements of Rn-222 concentrations in some tap and ground water samples in Eastern Saudi Arabia Using Liquid Scintillation Counter. Arab. J. for Sci. & Engin. Vol. 23, 145-150.
40. Al-Jarallah M.I., Al-Arfaj A., Aksoy A. and Abu-Jarad F., (1998) Chemical Analysis of thorium contents in gas mantles. Arab. J. for Sci. & Engin. Vol. 23, 17-21.
41. Al-Jarallah M. I., Naqvi A.A. and F. Abu-Jarad (1999). Angular distribution of 12C(dp)13C. . Radiation Measurements J. Vol 31, 521-526
42. Al-Haddad M., A. Fayoumi and F. Abu-Jarad (1999) Calibration of a Liquid Scintillation Counter to assess tritium levels in various samples”. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. In Phys. Res., A Vol 31, 521-526
43. F. Abu-Jarad, Al-Jarallah M. I., M. El hadidy and S.M Shaahid and Fazal-ur-Rehman. (2000). Assessment of integrated solar UV radiation using PM-355 detectors Nuclear track detectors. Radiation Measurements J Vol. 32, No. 3, 193-200.
44. Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Abu-Jarad and Al-Jarallah M.I and Farhat M. (2001). “Comparison and limitations of three different bulk etch rate measurement methods used for gamma irradiated PM-355 detectors. Radiation Measurements J. Vol. 34, pp 617-623.
45. Al-Jarallah M.I., F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Khiari, A. Aksoy and R. Nassar (2000) “Measurements of accelerator-based neutron distribution using nuclear track detectors in the study of accelerator-based slow and fast neutron distribution” Nucl. Inst. Meth. in physics Research B- 171/4, 584-588.
46. Al-Jarallah M.I, F. Abu-Jarad, A. Aksoy (2001) Alpha auto-radiography of gas lantern mantels. Vol 13, No. 1, pp 185-192 J. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Engineering sciences.
47. Al-Jarallah M.I, A.A. Naqvi , F. Abu-Jarad and Fazal-ur-Rehman, S.M. Ayub, R. Nassar and S. Kidwai (2001) “.”Angular distribution measurements of Li-6(p,alpha) He3 reaction at 140 Kev proton energy using nuclear track detectors.” Radiation Measurements J. Vol. 34, pp 331-335.
48. Al-Jarallah M.I, F. Abu-Jarad and Fazal-ur-Rehman (2001) Determination of radon exhalation rates from tiles using active and passive techniques. Radiation Measurements J. Vol. 34, pp 491-495.
49. F. Abu-Jarad,; Fazal-ur-Rehman; M.N. Al-Haddad; M.I. Al-Jarallah (2002) “Thermal Neutron Equivalent Dose Assessment around the KFUPM Neutron Source Storage Area using NTDs” Radiation Protection Dosimetry J. 102 (4), pp 349-354.
50. M.I. Al-Jarallah, A.A. Naqvi, Fazal-ur-Rehman and F. Abu-Jarad. (2002) “Fast and Thermal Neutron Intensity Measurements at the KFUPM PGNAA Setup”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B (NIMB), Vol.195, pp 435-441.
51. Fazal-ur-Rehman, Khalid Jamil, M. Zakaullah,F. Abu-Jarad and S. A.Mujahid (2003)“Experimental and Monte Carlo Simulation Studies of Open Cylindrical Radon Monitoring Device using CR-39 Detector”. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 65, 243-254.
52. F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman. “Detection of 210Po on Filter papers 16 years after use for the Collection of Short-lived Radon Progeny in a Room using Nuclear Track Detectors”. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 67/1, pp 27-33 (2003).
53. A.A. Naqvi, Fazal-ur-Rehman, M.I. Al-Jarallah and F. Abu-Jarad. (2003). “Performance Tests of External Moderators of a PGNAA Setup”. Applied Radiation and Isotopes J., 58/1, pp 27-38.
54. H. Khayrat, M. I. Al-Jarallah, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Abu-Jarad. (2003). “Indoor Radon Survey in Dwellings of some regions in Yemen”. Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 36, pp. 449-451.
55. M. I. Al-Jarallah, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Abu-Jarad, A.Al-Shukri. (2003). “Indoor Radon Survey in Dwellings of Four Cities of Saudi Arabia”.Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 36, pp. 445-448.
56. M. I. Al-Jarallah, A. A. Naqvi, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F. Abu-Jarad and M. Raashid. (2003). “Neutron Moderation in a Bulk Sample and its Effects on PGNAA Setup Geometry.” Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 36, pp. 471-474.
57. E. A. El-Amri, M. I. Al-Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad, and Fazal-ur-Rehman. (2003). “Uniformity in Radon Exhalation from Construction Materials using Can Technique”. Radiation Measurement J. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 453-456.
58. Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. I. Al-Jarallah, M. S. Musazay and F. Abu-Jarad. (2003). “Application of Can Technique and Radon Gas Analyzer for radon exhalation measurement” Applied Radiation and Isotopes J. Vol. 59, pp. 353-358.
59. F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. I. Al-Jarallah, , A. Al-Shukri. (2003). “Indoor Radon Survey in Dwellings of nine Cities of the eastern and the western provinces of Saudi Arabia”. Radiation Protection Dosimetry J. Vol. 106, No. 3, pp. 227-232.
60. Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. I. Al-Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad, M.I. Qureshi (2005). “Assessment of fast and thermal neutron ambient dose equivalent around the KFUPM neutron sources storage area using nuclear track detectors”. Radiation Measurements J. Vol. 40, pp. 595-600.
61. H. Al-Mustafa, M. I. Al-Jarallah, Fazal-ur-Rehman F. Abu-Jarad (2005). “Radon concentration measurements in the desert caves of Saudi Arabia”. Radiation Measurements J. Vol. 40, pp. 707-710
62. F. Abu-Jarad and M. I. Al-Jarallah (2005).Nuclear Track Detectors and its Applications. J. of Atom and Development, Vol. 17 (No. 1), pp 26-37 (Arabic).
63. F. Abu-Jarad (2004).”Food Preservation by Irradiation” EnviroNews, Issue # 12 pp 6-8. Saudi Aramco.
64. F. Abu-Jarad (2005) “Radioactivity in Leaf Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke” EnviroNews, Issue # 14 pp 9-11. Saudi Aramco.
65. F. Abu-Jarad & O. Fageeha (2006) “Ionizing radiation in our life” EnviroNews, Issue # 15 pp 2-4. Saudi Aramco.
Articles Published In Conference Proceedings (29)
1. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. “Track etch detectors for radon measurements inside houses and from building material” pp. 599-607. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Lyon, France, 2-7 July, 1 979.
2. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. “The response of plastic detectors to radon activity inside houses” pp. 561-564. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Bristol, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 1981. Published in Nuclear Track Journal, Edited by P.H. Fowler & V.M. Clapham.
3. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.H. “Radon emanation from uranium corridor in Orkney islands and in kinver caves” pp. 565-568. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Bristol, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 1981. Published in Nuclear Track Journal, Edited by P.H. Fowler & V.M. Clapham.
4. Green P.F.; Ramli A.G.; Hashem-Nazhad S.R.; Al-Najjar S.A.; Ooi C.M.; Abu-Jarad F.; Bull R.K. and Durrani S.A. “On the optimisation of etching conditions for CR-39 and other plastic track detectors” pp. 179-182. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Bristol, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 1981.
5. Abu-Jarad F. and Fremlin J.J. “The activity of radon daughters in high rise buildingsand the influence of soil emanation”. International Symposium on Indoor Air Pollution, Health and Energy Conservation, Conference Centre, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A., 13-16 October, 1981.
6. Abu-Jarad F. “Short and long term techniques for radon measurements inside houses” pp. 1639-1646. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applications and Technology of Ionising Radiation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12-17 March, 1982.
7. Abu-Jarad F. and Al-Jarallah M.I. “Radon in Saudi houses” pp. 395-398. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Mexico, 4-10 September, 1 983.
8. Abu-Jarad F. “Some factors affecting the concentration of radon and its daughters inside houses” pp. 93-98. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Stockholm, 20-24 August, 1984.
9. Abu-Jarad F. “Radon measurement inside house using nuclear track etch detectors” pp. 445-456. Invited paper presented in the first Workshop on Radon Monitoring in Radioprotection Environmental Radioactivity and Earth Sciences, Trieste, Italy, 3-14 April, 1989. Proceedings published 1990 by World Scientific.
10. Abu-Jarad F.; Nassar R.; Haddad M.; Nahdi K.; Bard S. and Islam M. “Radiation Protection Program at Energy Research Laboratory”. Proceeding of the First National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March, 1990. pp. 463-470. Published by Scientific Publishing Centre, KAU, Jeddah.
11. Abu-Jarad, F. “Summary of indoor research results using nuclear track detectors” Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Radon Monitoring in Radioprotection Environmental radioactivity and Earth Sciences, pp 148-154, edited by G. Furlan & L.Tommasino, World Scientific Publishing Co. 1993, Singapore.
12. Al-Jarallah M.I.; Aksoy A. and F. Abu-Jarad (1996). Radioactivity in gas mantels, The First National Conf. Environmental Pollution & Health, 8-11, January 1996, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
13. Al-Jarallah M.I.; F. Abu-Jarad & Aksoy A. (1996). “Alpha auto-radioactivity of gas lantern mantles”. Book of abstracts: 18th international conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids 1-5 Sept. 1996. Cairo, Egypt.
14. F. Abu-Jarad, Indoor cigarette smoking carrier of radon products and radioactive. (Arabic Language) Proceeding of First Saudi Science Conference 9-11 April, 2001 (page 271-279).
15. Al-Jarallah M.I.; F. Abu-Jarad and Fazal-ur-Rehman. Radon exhalation from building materials. (Arabic Language) Proceeding of First Saudi Science Conference 9-11 April, 2001 (page 135-139).
16. F. Abu-Jarad, M. El hadidy, Fazal-ur-Rehman. Al-Jarallah M.I.and S.M Shaahid. Measurement of integrated environmental solar UV radiation by passive Nuclear track detectors. Proceeding of First Saudi Science Conference 9-11 April, 2001 (page 333-343).
17. M. I. Al-Jarallah, Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. S. Musazay and F. Abu-Jarad. “Measurement of Radon Exhalation Rates from Granites using Gas Analyzer and Nuclear Track Detectors”. Proceedings from the International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment, pp 234-237, 1-5 September 2002, Monaco, France.
18. F. Abu-Jarad “Review of Evaluation Techniques for TENORM In Oil & Gas Industry”. Proceeding of the 4th specialty conference on environmental progress in the petroleum & petrochemical Industries. February 23-25, 2004. Bahrain.
19. F. Abu-Jarad “The Radon Level In Groundwater of Major Productive Aquifiers Under Arid Conditiond”. Proceeding of the 4th specialty conference on environmental progress in the petroleum & petrochemical Industries. February 23-25, 2004. Bahrain.
20. M. I. Al-Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, and A. Al-Shukri. (2003). “Indoor Radon concentration in Dwellings of nine Cities of Saudi Arabia”. Second Saudi Science Conference April, KAU- 2005 (pp-).
21. F. Abu-Jarad, O. Fageeha, A. Siari and R. Nassar “Radiation Based Technologies in oil and Gas Industry” EnviroArabia, 2007, the 5th Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress in Oil and Petrochemical Industries, 22-25, April, Bahrain.
22. F. Abu-Jarad Application of Radiation Sources in the Oil & Gas Industry and Shortages in their Services” International Symposium on Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technologies in the GCC Countries. Sept. 2008
23. F. Abu-Jarad “Training of Industrial Radiographers for Radiation Safety”. Proceeding of 5th M.E NDT , April 21-25, 2006.
24. F. Abu-Jarad “Needs of training of radiation Workers for Radiation Safety” EnviroArabia, 2010, the 6th Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress in Oil and Petrochemical Industries, 18-20, April, Bahrain.
25. F. Abu-Jarad “A Review of Occupational Training in the Middle East” , 1st NORM & Natural Radiation Management Middle East Conference (Workshop) , 28-30 January ,2014 – Abu Dhabi.
26. F. Abu-Jarad “Offshore/Onshore NORM Surveys and onshore Decontamination on Pipes” , 1st NORM & Natural Radiation Management Middle East Conference, 28-30 January ,2014 – Abu Dhabi.
27. F. Abu-Jarad “Location of NORM in the Work Place” , The Instrumentation & Detection Workshop, 2nd NORM & Natural Radiation Management Middle East Conference, 26-28 January ,2015- Abu Dhabi.
28. F. Abu-Jarad “What is NORM?” ,Occupational Health, Safety and Training Workshop, 3rd NORM & Natural Radiation Management Middle East Conference, 26-28 January ,2016 – Abu Dhabi.
29. F. Abu-Jarad “Radiation Based Technologies in oil and Gas Industry” , Internationa Conference of Radiation Medicine (ICRM-2016), 21-25 February , 2016 – Riyadh.